
#bandsyouwillfallinlovewith: Meet NVSN

todayMay 30, 2023 228 3 4

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Not a stranger to Not the Girl Next Door Show, long time permanent rotation band, NVSN has been destroying the airwaves since their first release, “Show Stopper”. With killer vocals, smashing riffs and overall purely addictive music, NVSN is a must add to your daily playlist!

I had a chance to interview NVSN, to get the know the band and to learn some insight on their new release in an unadulterated interview. Make sure to check out NVSN, their music and always #spreadtheloveformusic by sharing the music you love!


Sitting down with Alex from NVSN
Tell us a little about the band, where are you from? How did you meet?
-NVSN is based out of Biloxi, MS! Nate, Phil and myself (Alex) met through performing with different bands in our community. Nate joined up with NVSN first, and later Phil. Kevin is our most recent addition and he and I actually went to Middle School together and had talked about doing music together almost 15 years ago!
What kind of music would you describe your sound as? 
-We have a Modern Rock/ Metalcore sound FFO of I, Prevail, Bring Me The Horizon and Bad Omens
Who are some of your musical influences?
-Our personal musical influences range from deathcore like Lorna Shore to Adema, Starset, Underoath and more! We kind of bring all these together. There’s even some rap and hip/hop influence among the band. One of my favorite artists is actually Logic.
Let’s talk about the newest single “DROWN”
Tell us what the song is about and what inspired the song?
-This particular song is a cover from Bring Me The Horizon. When we recorded this song, we were in a transitional phase bringing in a new guitarist and I was also going through an extremely hard time mentally. The song spoke depths to me and helped me out a ton in that time. We’ve often been compared to BMTH so we thought it fitting to bring that comparison to life.
How does the collaboration process work as far as writing/composing music?
-Kevin and I usually sit down and write ideas together and start the basis of the song. Then we bring our songs to the rest of the band and get their input and we tie it all together with our producer.
How does it feel when you put all your hard work to the test and perform live? 
-We all love performing and meeting our fans but for me personally, being on stage is the only time I ever really feel like I’m alive.
Do you have any crazy performance band/fan stories?
-Haha actually on our last tour in the Midwest, I got food poisoning. I toughed it out through the performance, took a few pictures with some fans and then crashed on the bus for almost 20 hours lmao. Got up at load in the next day and went straight to work.
Let’s shake it up a little. Tell us some strange facts about the band, that virtually no one would know.
-One crazy part about us playing in bars and clubs is that Phil is actually allergic to alcohol. For this reason, he can usually be spotted at the merch table as far away from the bar top as possible hahaha
And one more fact that not too many people know anymore is that NVSN actually started as a solo project. I was by myself for nearly 4 years when Nate joined and we decided to form a band under the same name.
What do you have planned for the rest of 2023?
We have one more tour planned in August and we’ll spend the remaining part of 2023 hitting the studio and bringing more music to life for 2024!

By: Not the Girl Next Door Show/Angela Mockbee

Make sure to tune in and turn it up every Monday-Friday from 9AM-Noon Eastern to Not the Girl Next Door Show. Playing you the #musicyoulove and #musicyouwillfallinlovewith!



NVSN Facebook

Not the Girl Next Door Show Facebook

Written by: Road Dog

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