
Aether completely bringing it with their new release “Make Me”

todayFebruary 10, 2023 343 4 5

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Kansas rock band Aether are completely invading the air waves, smashing sound around with their new single, “Make Me”. The band is definitely not a new addition to Not the Girl Next Door Show,  Aether has been on rotation for a few years, as they continue to release complete and utter bangers!

I had a chance to interview Aether, to get the know the band and to learn some insight on their new release in an unadulterated interview.  Make sure to check out Aether, their music and always #spreadtheloveformusic by sharing the music you love!

Tell us a little about the band, where are you from? How did you meet?

Aether is an energetic four piece hard rock/alt metal outfit based out of Dodge City, KS. The
band consists of members: Orlando Galvan, Hugo Hernandez (me), Alex Rodriguez, and Chris
Clark. The band started with Orlando and myself back in 2017 when our previous project, Guns
on Mars, ended. We decided we really wanted to move on with a new project where he and I
can take our biggest inspirations to create the music we wanted. The band evolved over time
going from a 3 piece band to a 4 piece band. We went through some member changes when we
first started out but since Alex and Chris joined the band, we have been a full force and still
going strong. – Hugo Hernandez

What kind of music would you describe your sound as? Who are some of your musical

We would describe Aether as a hard rock band for the most part. There are some alternative/
metal tendencies within our music, as well. The vast and versatile influences that all four
members bring is what contributes to the band’s unique sound. Orlando (vocalist) draws his
main influence from recording artists in Deftones while also having a strong R&B vocal
background. Alex (drums) gets his main musical impact from stoner/doom rockers in Black
Sabbath, Toke, and more. But, also very fond of bands such Every Time I Die and He is Legend
for that fast past metalcore sound. Chris (bass) comes from a strong metal background with
influences such as Slipknot and Trivium. I’m the guitar player in the band. I am heavily
influenced by bands such as Chevelle and Breaking Benjamin sparking my love for heavy tones
with melodic vocals. All of this contributes to the boiling pot of what is Aether’s sound. – Hugo

Let’s talk about the newest single “Make Me”. Tell us what the song is about and what
inspired the song?

Life. Relationships. That’s basically what inspired this song. The song is about finding a person
that grows with you instead of making your life worse. Finding like a soul mate kind of thing.
Like, molding into what they need from you and them doing the same. You could’ve been cold
and whatnot from past bulls**t in relationships but you stuck it out and made it out. – Orlando

How does the collaboration process work as far as writing/composing music?

Our writing process, for the most part, always starts with a piece of music that I create on the
guitar or something that Orlando writes altogether. With this song, I remember just playing that
intro riff and going from there. The structure of the song came together in a matter of like 20-30
minutes. I presented it to the band and went from there. It’s definitely one of our favorite songs
to perform live – Hugo Hernandez

How does it feel when you put all your hard work to the test and perform live? Do you
have any crazy performance band/fan stories?

We’ve been super fortunate enough in the last few years to play some very amazing shows.
We’ve performed everywhere in Kansas. We’ve gotten to go as far as Oklahoma, Colorado,
Texas, and Missouri. We’ve gotten to open for some really cool acts, as well. Of course, we do
the music thing more as a serious hobby than trying to aim for fame or trying to get money out
of it. Life happens. We can’t always do the music thing or sometimes don’t feel like it, but we
feel that it’s important to step away or chill out sometimes. At the end of the day, after a show or
the release of a new song, we always feel really good about what we’re doing!
Truth be told, we don’t really have any crazy fan stories. We’re just 4 basic dudes. Ha ha. We’ve
gotten to open for the Toadies, Hairball, Saul, and got an upcoming gig with Saving Abel. So,
we’ve been getting some really cool show opportunities lately. Hopefully, we can continue more
of those types of gigs moving forward. – Hugo Hernandez

Let’s shake it up a little. Tell us some strange facts about the band that virtually no one
would know.

That’s a good question! For me, I feel like most people don’t really know that I’m kind of a nerd.
Like, I’m really into RPG video games, sci-fi stuff, and superheroes. I’m also an elementary
school teacher, so people always get thrown off by that especially after seeing us perform on
stage. Ha ha – Hugo
I don’t know. I do HVAC for work? Lol. I’m kind of an old school kind of guy. I’m really into old
chopper flicks and horror movies. Since I’m Mexican, people think that it’s weird that I like those
types of things. Again, not sure if that is strange or whatever. Lol – Alex
I work with wood! Lol. I don’t really have anything. – Chris
Most people don’t know this, but I can actually read minds…Yeah, I got nothing either. – Orlando

What do you have planned for 2023?

We have a lot planned for 2023! Again, we got some awesome upcoming shows. Hopefully we’ll
get to explore and perform in some new territories in 2023. We plan to release another single
hopefully sometime in late spring/early summer. This one will be different from everything else
we’ve released, so stay tuned for that. We are currently gearing up for our 2nd annual music
festival that we ourselves put on called Gunsmoke Sessions. It features some of the best local
bands in and around the state of Kansas. We’re really stoked on everything we got going with
Be sure to follow us on socials @aetherdc and check out our website:
Thanks! – Hugo Hernandez

By: Not the Girl Next Door Show/Angela Mockbee

Make sure to tune in and turn it up every Monday-Friday from 9AM-Noon Eastern to Not the Girl Next Door Show. Playing you the #musicyoulove and #musicyouwillfallinlovewith!

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Not the Girl Next Door Show Facebook

Written by: Road Dog

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